October 7, 2018 – Rev. Marsha Mitchiner, Facilitator


Rather than a speaker addressing a topic this week, Reverend Marsha Mitchiner will read selections from members and friends.

We invite You to bring in a short poem, quotation, paragraph, or similar writing, that is meaningful to you.  If possible please print and bring your selection. If you don’t have a way to print it out, please send it to Robert Stewart or to the Office (office@firstexistentialist.org) and Robert will print and bring it (if received by 9 AM Sunday morning).

Rev. Marsha will choose selections to read and comment on, as time allows. (Note that there may not be time to read every selection.)

Our Celebration of Life will be on Sunday, October 7 from 11 – 12:15. Come and hear words that are meaningful,

Facilitator: Rev. Marsha Mitchiner
Accompanist: Alan Dynin