Guilds & Committees

Listed below are our currently active guilds. Any First E member can join one or more guilds. A new guild can be formed if our members see a need. All guilds report to the Board. The survival of our Congregation is made possible through the generosity of our members and friends and their gifts of talent, creativity, and labor.

Committees are established by the Board, and one Board member is selected and appointed to serve on that committee.

  • Art:  Provides opportunities to affirm the importance of the arts within our lives.  We are committed to cultivating, nurturing, and presenting the performing, visual and literary arts within our space through art exhibits, sales, live performances, and other events.
  • Building and Grounds:  The Building and Grounds Guild oversees maintenance, repair, and upkeep of our historic building and grounds. The Guild hires and supervises contractors, builders, electricians, and other personnel as needed. Members of the Guild put in hours of work themselves to ensure that everything about our building works as it should.
  • Membership:  The Membership Guild organizes potlucks and Eat & Greets (light snacks and beverages) after the Celebration of Life on special occasions. The Guild gathers information related to our members and produces a membership directory. Guild members send cards and visit First E members who are hospitalized or homebound. The Guild in general makes visitors as well as members and friends feel welcome.
  • Program:  The Program Guild plans the Sunday Celebrations of Life, which is what we call our Sunday services. The Guild contacts and secures guest speakers, accompanists, and artists to provide special music or other performances. The Guild provides information about speakers, musicians, and guest artists to our newsletter and Sunday bulletin.
  • Social Justice:  The Social Justice Guild plans social-justice related events such as participation in marches and attending rallies to represent First E. The Guild writes articles on social justice topics for the First E newsletter. Also individual members attend rallies, demonstrations, and meetings on social justice issues. The Social Justice Guild also sponsors book discussion groups to talk about books or articles suggested by SJG members. All are welcome to attend the discussions.


Committees are appointed by the Board.

  • Finance:  The Finance Committee oversees First E’s finances. It consists of the current Board treasurer and Board Chair, past Board Chairs, and past Board treasurers. The Committee is appointed by the Board.
  • Ministerial Relations:  The Ministerial Relations Committee is appointed by the Board. It consists of one member selected by the Board, one selected by the Fellowship Minister, and another selected by the other two to represent the Congregation. The Committee draws up the Fellowship Minister’s contract and serves as a liaison from the Board and the Congregation to the Fellowship Minister.