August 5, 2018: Sanjay Lal

Gandhi, Present Day and Existentialist Reflections

Sanjay Lal’s full title, for his presentation at First E’s Celebration of Life this Sunday, is “Gandhi, our Present Day Society, and some Existentialist Reflections”.

Sanjay Lal is a long time UU and he, his wife Bhawna, and son Shrey have been members of 1st E since 2011. He is a senior lecturer of philosophy at Clayton State University in Morrow. He is currently working on a book (under contract with Rowman & Littlefield publishers) on Gandhi’s political thought. His presentation today is largely based on this work.

Facilitator- Jan Lister

Musician- Kathy McGuire

Social Period before and after the service – come have Pastries & Coffee with Friends.