“Keeping Your Peace in Contentious Times.”
Whatever the results from the election from this week, we are likely to have navigated a week of political divide, conflicts, and anxiety about the future. Lets focus our intentions on cultivating our own inner peace and strength to continue our work for justice.

Rev. Kimble is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. They are a graduate of Candler School of Theology at Emory University and Berry College. Kimble serves bivocationally- working with Emory University’s Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion Based Ethics as well as in their Contemplative Ministry that intentionally reaches outside the church walls. Their ministry focuses on using spirituality and contemplative practices to equip us with the peace and resolve to be justice makers in the world. Kimble has experience in a variety of ministry settings. They have worked in LGBTQ advocacy for many years including as staff for Reconciling Ministries Network and the Atlanta Pride Committee, and organizing with Atlanta’s Trans and Queer community. They have also served in local congregations and as a hospital chaplain, community chaplain, and house chaplain for Candler’s formation communities.
- Facilitator: D. Patton White
- Musician: Mick Kinney