Greetings once again. I hope you continue to maintain social distancing protocol, feel safe and well, doing things that make you feel happy.
For those of us fortunate to live with someone and/or have some space to enjoy getting out to play in the dirt or other outside activities, life does not feel as isolating as for those who live alone or are confined to a small space. I feel so grateful to wake up every morning with a partner (who still likes me after 2+ months) and pets, grab my coffee, check email then spend the rest of the day in my yard – with a smile on my face. I know some of you live alone and may not feel comfortable to leave your space so you have deliveries made which doesn’t give you the brief opportunity to see different landscapes and other people. There are other variations between these extremes. This distancing/confinement/isolation has illuminated the importance of human connection. Suicide hotline calls are up as is domestic violence. I feel like I”m preaching to the choir but it doesn’t hurt to remind everyone to reach out to others. Feed your spirit with the gift of connecting, being reassured you are not in this alone. And if your circumstances are such that you feel well nourished, reach out to someone who might not feel ok, who could use your comfort and support. It will be good for both of you – healthy, too.
The GA Dpt of Public Health reported that as of 7:00pm 5/14, there were 35,977 reported cases of COVID19 and 1,544 deaths. Do you know someone who has been diagnosed, or someone who has died? I do. More than one. It makes me feel sad to think of the suffering they’ve experienced and the grief of the families/friends that have been left behind, unable to process their loss in a more healing structure. It’s important for our common good that we recognize these statistics, mourn the loss of life, provide support and comfort when we can and do what we can in the way of donations and activism. This touches all of us.
In my last email I asked you to send me pics of your special mask but haven’t received any. I saw a website where you find a pic of yourself looking forward and crop it below the eyes, just below the chin and crop out the ears. You send the cropped pic to the site and they imprint it on a mask so people can see what you look like. It’s especially great if you are smiling. I love the creativity that being unleashed during this time of crisis. An article I read by a psychologist stated that some people are defiant about wearing a mask because they see it as forced conformity. He suggested we see is as cooperative concern. I know wearing a mask is not particularly comfortable but I personally don’t see it as an option, required or not. I am protecting you and me which in my book is a good thing.
Did you check out any of the “good news” sites I listed last time? I’ve looked at a few and enjoyed the break from the news. Go back and look at the list and try a few if you haven’t already. What have you got to lose? You aren’t going anywhere anyway, are you?
You would be surprised to know how long it takes me to write these emails. Not only am I a hunt and peck typist, I mull over every word I write. Some of that is because I’m getting slower in my golden years and some is because I want my words to be meaningful and honest. In each day I feel gratitude for the variety of gifts that surround me and find joy in so many things. I will stop when I hear a bird and listen to it’s song – what a happy sound. When I find a worm as I’m digging in the dirt I say thanks for keeping the soil looser so my plants will do well. I found a tree frog on an azalea I was trimming and told him I’d be listening for him tonight (he’s very loud in the evening). My tomato plants have blooms and even a few tiny tomatoes. The blue berry bush (really a tree since I haven’t trimmed it ever) is chock full of small, green berries that I will probably not get when they turn ripe before the birds do. My potato plants have pushed up and are 3 inches high and I know they’re having babies below. Ok. You get the picture. What about you? What is bringing you joy? I hope the thoughts are tumbling out bringing smiles with each one.
That’s it for this week. Enjoy the items below. Stay safe. Stay well. Make contact. Feel joy. Live long and prosper.
See you Sunday.
Share hope and spread kindness,
Rev. Marsha