Inspired by the musical based on Stud Terkel’s book Working, the Membership Guild invites you to pour yourself a cup of ambition, gather up your best occupational stories and join us on Friday, May 14 at 7:30 on Zoom.
Share your tales of never getting credit, being a rung on the boss man’s ladder, putting money in his wallet and the dreams he never took away.

Watch the e-blast for the zoom link and we look forward to hearing about your service and devotion, takin’ and no given’ and tides turning.

Look for information about attending the musical “Working” below, and in the e-blast.

Join us for “Working” – the musical!
The Membership Guild invites you to see the musical “Working” on Wednesday, June 2, at 8:00 pm (rain or shine). The play is is at the Alliance Theater at the Callaway Plaza Tent. It is outside, socially distanced and masks are required. We have a block of 12 tickets in pods of 2 or 4. The group rate is $25 per ticket. Reserve your tickets by e-mailing sueking@gmail.com. Tickets are limited, so get them while they’re hot!