Dear Members and Friends,

In this time of anxiety and uncertainty, it’s important to stay informed and connected as best we can. I will be sending an occasional email to keep you up to date and provide some information I hope you will find helpful.
First I want to say THANK YOU FRANKLIN ABBOTT for his message on Facebook this past Sunday in lieu of our in-person Celebration of Life (COL). Franklin took the initiative and had the expertise to set this up. I hope you were able to listen but, if not, it remains on our Facebook Page. We expect that other speakers will also use virtual messaging – like Christine Ristaino who has already volunteered to use this method for March 22. I also want to thank Robert Stewart, Patton White, Charlene Ball, Andy Weiskoff and Edith Covington for stepping up to quickly handle the details of canceling Sunday COL and other activities.
This pandemic has ushered in circumstances unlike anything most Americans have experienced. It is a challenging time for everyone. We are already maintaining social distance and even isolating ourselves to stay healthy and limit the potential spread of the virus. Although this is prudent, even necessary -especially for those of us in a vulnerable category – it creates another set of challenges: having sufficient food/RX/other essentials and dealing with the potential high anxiety – panic – and depression. So even though we need to physically distance ourselves, we can still maintain contact via techniques such as Skype, Facetime and Zoom as well as telephone and social networks (FB, Instagram, Twitter). I encourage everyone to be in touch with family and friends but also with those who may not be in your close network but you know may need supportive contact and comfort. Taking care of one another – showing love and compassion – will be critical to get us through this difficult experience.Another great need arising from this is financial. If your circumstances allow, please consider making a donation to the Ministerial Discretionary Fund. We will help the best we can with what we have. Organizations like the food bank and shelters (human and animal) also need your continued support.
And last, but not least, take care of yourself. Be kind in how you perceive your handling of this crisis. We are all under incredible stress and may make less that optimum choices at some point. Regroup and look forward. If you are physically able, take a walk to enjoy the beauty of nature that abounds here in Atlanta. Pull out that craft project or book or puzzle you’ve put aside. Enjoy the company of your pet – they can be great listeners and provide wonderful comfort. Be creative in ways to be as active as possible and keep a positive attitude.
I believe we will come through this stronger as a community as we work together to support one another and show great caring and compassion to all, those we know and those we don’t. As Existentialists we emphasize our freedom to make choices and I am confident that we will act authentically to be our best selves.
Stay well, be careful and think positive.
With much love,
Rev. Marsha Mitchiner, Fellowship Minister