“Father’s Day for the Modern Spirit”

We’ll reflect together on the joys and challenges of this holiday, as well as sharing from my own journey towards being a parent.
Rev. Kimble Sorrells is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and a graduate of Candler School of Theology (Emory University) and Berry College. Kimble’s interests are in using spirituality and contemplative practices to equip us with the peace and resolve to be justice makers in the world. They are also a Registered Yoga Teacher and draw on this and other spiritual traditions to inform their ministry. Kimble has experience in variety of ministry settings. They have worked in LGBTQ advocacy for many years, including as staff for Reconciling Ministries Network and the Atlanta Pride Committee, and organizing with Atlanta’s Trans and Queer community. They have also served in local congregations and as a hospital chaplain. Kimble is also dedicated to civic engagement and is a member of the Civil Air Patrol and Alumni of Americorps Program.