‘A Trojan Horse in the News: Neoliberal Academics as “Credible” Sources’

My talk is about how academic scholars — supported by billionaire-funded libertarian and
neoliberal foundations and centers – have become go-to experts for mainstream news
organizations (including the New York Times and Washington Post), and in that capacity
have been able to promote neoliberal ideas and beliefs.
Marian Meyers is a professor emerita in the Department of Communication and a former
affiliate of the Institute of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Georgia State
University. Her most recent scholarly work has focused on neoliberal ideology in
mainstream media and how the media are complicit in promoting and naturalizing neoliberal beliefs and values. Her research interests also include the media’s portrayal of women and other socially marginalized groups from an intersectional perspective that views race, class, gender and other markers of social identity as inextricably connected. She has published articles and books on topics ranging from the status of women in higher education, the portrayal of women in the media, how African American women journalists cover the news, and neoliberalism and the media.
- Facilitator: Libby Ware
- Musician: William Chelton