“On Resolve and Determination”

These remain tumultuous times; likely, more tumultuous than we have ever experienced. As hard as we have tried and after all we have been through, we find our circumstances worse than when COVID first appeared. Much worse. We are in lockdown with thousands dying daily. Hope is on the horizon but we still face a global crisis and, as a nation, one might argue we have failed to curb the tide of suffering and loss. How do we muster the courage to proceed especially when we may be of an age where we have less resilience, less energy and fortitude? Together, we can explore teachings and practices that can support our resolve to carry on. First and foremost, we must be determined to not cause more harm. We start with ourselves. What can we do to ease the suffering in our own lives? This allows us to take yet another giant step forward and resolve to cultivate the skillful means to help end the suffering in the lives of others. The good news is we are not alone. Being in spiritual community is refuge. Together, we will know the benefit of our resolve.
John Mifsud was born on the Island of Malta and identifies as Arab-American. He has practiced Insight Meditation since 2001 and graduated from the Community Dharma Leaders Training Program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center where he is currently on the Board of Directors. John has extensive retreat experience and practiced throughout Asia. He is the Guiding Teacher of the Malta Insight Meditation Society and a former Community Teacher at the East Bay Meditation Center (EBMC). He is the founding leader of EBMC’s Deep Refuge Sangha for Alphabet Brothers of Color. He teaches internationally with a special interest in delivering mindfulness tools to marginalized communities.