Sponsored Programs
First Existentialist hosts and sponsors many programs on behalf of the community. The focus is generally educational, but may include social justice or other causes which we may sponsor or support. For more information on any of these programs, please contact the church office at: office@firstexistentialist.org or call us at 404-378-5570. Childrens Program During services, there …

Concerts, Shows and Dances
Concerts are held in our building in the main sanctuary upstairs, which seats 150 and can hold 200 standing. We have chairs, several large folding tables as well as some card tables available for rentals on request. We also have a handicap accessible bathroom upstairs and two bathrooms downstairs. The stage in the main sanctuary …

Fiddler’s Green Coffeehouse
FG is a local monthly coffeehouse concert series (sponsored by AAFFM) featuring traditional music, singer-songwriters, poetry and storytelling.

Our Facilities
As part of our unyielding support of the community and family, we extend our invitation to make use of building facilities to host event gatherings, and we make every effort to accommodate their needs. Life events include weddings, naming ceremonies, funerals, memorial services, etc. Our beautiful sanctuary provides a unique space for a variety of …

The First Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta is an active participant in our greater Community, supporting, and often hosting, a diverse range of individuals and organizations sharing values and ethics similar to our own. From the Candler Park Neighborhood Organization (CPNO) to Sunday Assembly Atlanta, to ZAMI-NOBLA and Sankofa/Interplay Atlanta, to Mary Lin School and the …

Life Events
Of course, Community means people, and the truest depth of our commitment to our community comes down to the life events of the people around us. Weddings and the joys around our many individual commitments to each other are one of the underpinnings of our lives, and we certainly support and make space available to …