July 7, 2020 – From my hood to yours

Welcome to summer in Atlanta! We are officially half way through the year and the Hotlanta temps are in full swing. This morning, the humidity made 80 feel like 87 (per the weather station) and I felt it. As someone who tends to “glisten” easily, it has not been pleasant. The worst is I don’t want to work in my yard/garden. You know it’s bad when that’s hard for me to do. But I have had a few tomatoes, turnips, cucumbers and lots of basil. (Chancey made pesto to put over shrimp and pasta. yum.) I’ve even beat the birds to several cups of blueberries. I let the celery get too old before I picked it and it was too hard. The onions got too wet but the potatoes seem to be doing fine.   Ok. Enough about my mini-farm. Emoji

PASS THE PLATE COFFEE HOUSE  FRI 6/10  8:00This Friday will be our first foray into virtual entertainment. We are fortunate to have awesome performers who have donated their time and talents to create an online coffee house of music, dance and spoken word. See Robert’s email for a great flier with pics and info.This is a “pass the plate event” to offset our inability to receive non-pledge offerings on Sunday during our Celebration of Life due to the pandemic. It is open to all, at no charge, but with the available option to make a donation to our general fund. I’ll try to include the QR code to donate but if I’m not successful, go to Robert’s email. Of course, you’re welcome to mail a check marked “pass the plate” if you prefer. I hope you will join in for this opportunity to enjoy the music, movement and spoken word by these generous, gifted artists. Please thank them for their talents and generosity.

I can’t write this without addressing the pandemic. I’m sure you keep up with the current status but I feel the need to ask you to not become complacent and loosen your guard against the infection. It is understandable to want to get together with others who have been isolating. Remember that as we go out anywhere, even wearing a mask and gloves, we have the possibility of contact with the virus; that many who are infected are asymptomatic; that asymptomatic people can pass the virus on to others.(I wanted to/was preparing to return to my work as a Massage Therapist but accepting the facts that there is the possibility, even if low odds, of getting the virus, I sadly decided it wasn’t worth the risk.) So continue to be careful when you go out and use safe distancing when gathering with others. I believe that many reading this, like me, would not survive COVID. And if we did, the damage done to the body by the virus and its complications are serious and appear to be ongoing. This time is a test of our ability to stay focused on reality and not let our anxiety, boredom and desires overcome necessity. ‘Nuff said.

Fourth of July was interesting. The messages ran the gamut from Trump at Mt Rushmore further inciting division in the country to CNN’s celebration focused on BLM. We picked up BBQ and the fixings to enjoy at home and watched fireworks on TV. (The dogs were less than happy about the local fireworks.) Each year I become more aware of truth about how our country developed and the systems that maintain inequality. Growing up in Macon GA in a lower income neighborhood to Southern Baptist parents and attending segregated public schools taught by Southern women (never had a male teacher til college), I grew up with a Southern take on history. Although my parents taught me to respect others and never used derogatory language toward black people (we lived 3 doors down from where the paved road became red clay lined by black shanties), there was this unspoken racism throughout the town. I remember seeing/hearing “the south shall rise again” and feeling a sense of pride to be from the south. Naively I never attached that to racism. I am grateful I had the experiences I did and made choices that have brought me to this point of willingness to accept that I have unconscious perceptions and prejudices that are racist; and I am willing to work on this. It’s great to be in a community that encourages and facilitates this work.

I read that ICE has determined that international students cannot remain in the US under their student VISAs if the school they attend does not offer classroom studies this fall. There are no plans to provide exceptions for those who would return to dangerous situations.

The election is 4 months away.

That’s it for today. I’ll end with some funnies and hopefully you’ll find the QR code for Friday.

Stay strong, be kind.

Hugs, Marsha

June 17, 2020 – From my hood to yours

It has been another week of up and down news. The killing of yet another unarmed black man in Atlanta reignited a response that had more heated energy than the continuing demonstrations as cities, states and federal elected officials made or moved toward police reform. How can this still be happening? What can we do to stop it? These are important questions that need everyone’s attention. I have been trying to understand how I, as a white woman, can be a positive force in this effort.  One thing I have read and taken to heart is the importance to listen. Although my feelings around this issue are valid, I am not directly effected due to my skin color. I believe it is important that I raise my voice in support of Black Lives Matter, but it is equally important that I not focus on how I feel but on how those who are effected feel. Yes, I want to acknowledge my horror, sadness and anger but use that to listen to the voices of those whose anguish I will never know.

*On Thurs 6/18, 7:00-8:30pm there will be a virtual dialogue, “Facing Opposing Forces”, with elders in the movement (including Loretta Ross) sharing their experiences. Register at:


*There will also be a virtual “Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March” on 6/20, 6/21. Search this title to find info to register.

On June 16, the Supreme Court ruled that LGBTQ+ workers cannot be fired on that basis as they have equal protection under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act barring discrimination on the basis of sex. A major decision in favor of equality!! I was surprised that the majority opinion was written by Neil Gorsuch. What?! Gives me hope.

Juneteenth, aka Jubilee Day, is this Friday celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation. Although the declaration freeing slaves was enacted in 1862, it wasn’t until June 19, 1865 when the Union Army arrived in Galveston TX, that slaves learned of the law. Celebrations now occur across the country along with a growing call for the date to become a National Holiday.

News in my hood is about the same. As the days have gotten warmer, I am watching my garden grow vs doing much work. In my mature years, I have become less heat tolerant. Emoji But I still love being outside and seeing the fruits of my labor. Well, hopefully I will see “fruit” as the season continues. Otherwise, we have spent safe time with 2 sets of friends who have been isolating. It was nice to have a conversation in person vs over zoom. I believe we can have more contact with others IF we use good sense and follow proper safety protocols. Areas that have opened and been more in line with CDC guidelines have seen fewer new cases vs those areas that have allowed looser restrictions. On my trips to the grocery store, more people are wearing masks than not. I wear a mask and gloves and have wipes in the car when I return. Some may think it’s overkill but I’d rather use overkill than get sick. Just saying.

  • Thanks to Robert Stewart for keeping us updated on the new ramp.
  • Thanks to Patton White for his facilitating the Sunday service.
  • Thanks to Edith Covington and Bill Read for keeping the office running.
  • Thanks to Jan Lister for the well done monthly newsletters.

I hope all of you are well and continuing to find ways to stay safe and entertained. I miss you. If you haven’t joined the zoom group after the Sunday service, please do. It’s nice to see faces and catch up even if it must be virtually.

Stay safe and be kind.

Hugs, Marsha

June 3, 2020 – From my hood to yours

This past week has been a continuous rush of emotions. Unlike George Floyd, I feel I can today take a breath and let go of some of the tension I have been holding. I won’t let it all go because I can’t. I need to feel the anguish and anger over the senseless, depraved act that took the life of George Floyd (and Ahmaud Avery, David McAtee, Breanna Taylor, Michael Brown, Trevon Martin) because I don’t want to become numb at such violence against people of color. And I understand my feelings cannot come close to those who live this reality every day. Without a COVID cloud and with a younger body, I would be joining the demonstrators in calling out police discrimination and violence; inequities in economics, education, etc; white privilege. But I’ve been watching, reading, signing, donating and posting to show my support for the nonviolent protests and immediate need for change. It feels so inadequate but it’s what I can do right now.

What we all can do is VOTE. If you haven’t sent in your ballot, do it now. It must be postmarked NLT 6/9. If you haven’t received yours, be prepared to vote in person. Don’t let this opportunity pass to make your voice heard at the ballot box.

On white privilege/a Contrast in self awareness:
Rush Limbaugh said on a radio show: “That is a liberal political construct right along the lines of political correctness. It’s designed to intimidate and get people to shut up and admit they are guilty for doing things they haven’t done. I don’t have any white privilege.”  What?!

Jimmy Kimmel said on his late night TV show: “‘White privilege doesn’t mean your life hasn’t been hard. It just means the color of your skin isn’t one of the things that makes it harder.’ Wherever you stand, I don’t see how you can argue with that.”

The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture states:“Whiteness and white racialized identity refer to the way that white people, their customs, culture, and beliefs operate as the standard by which all other groups of are compared. Whiteness is also at the core of understanding race in America. Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.This white-dominant culture also operates as a social mechanism that grants advantages to white people, since they can navigate society both by feeling normal and being viewed as normal. Persons who identify as white rarely have to think about their racial identity because they live within a culture where whiteness has been normalized.”        Let that sink in

Since the issues discussed above have taken justified dominance in the news, little has been noted about June as PRIDE MONTH.


Usual celebrations have been cancelled due to the virus, but the spirit of LGBTQ Pride is stronger than ever. I encourage you to support gay-owned and gay-friendly restaurants and businesses (a rainbow flag flying in front might be a clue).


Support LGBTQ and equal rights organizations. Call out anti-gay/anti-equality statements and actions. Send a virtual hug to those you know in the LGBTQ community to show that you Stand With Love. And those IN the community: Be Loud, Be Strong, Don’t be Afraid to Be Queer.

COVID deaths continue to rise and will likely go higher after the recent state openings and the close contacts of demonstrators, some not wearing masks. One of my great nephews has been called back to West Point for graduation (because Trump wants to give the commencement addressEmoji) and several of the cadets have tested positive. I urge everyone to limit outside activities if you can and use safety protocols. A note of caution: per CDC suggestions, we have been “nuking” our mail for 20 seconds. I nuked a graduation announcement that had a metallic sticker used to seal the envelope and burned a hole through the whole thing!! So be careful if you use this sterilizing technique!

Check out CJ Jones and the Spirit Bones on YouTube singing “Stand your own Ground”. Thank you, Ted.

Now on a lighter note. A true story.
Chancey was sitting in her car at the shopping center with the windows down, listening to the news as Trump was holding a news conference. She started pointing her finger and saying loudly “You lie! You lie! You Lie!” About that time a woman was walking in front of her car, was startled and turned to look. Chancey explained out the window that she was yelling at Trump. The woman walked on and got into the next car. After a minute Chancey could hear the woman on her cell phone telling someone, “I was walking past this car and the lady was yelling you lie, you lie, you lie.”  Emoji

Be strong, be safe, be kind, be love.


Coronavirus stress relief:

  • Tomorrow is the National Homeschool Tornado Drill. Lock your kids in the basement until you give the all clear.   You’re welcome!!
  • 2019: Stay away from negative people.
  • 2020: Stay away from positive people.
  • The world has turned upside down. Old folks are sneaking out of the house, and their kids are yelling at them to stay indoors!
  • You think it’s bad now? In 20 years our country will be run by people home-schooled by day drinkers…

May 30, 2020 – From My Hood to Yours

Greetings on day 317 of the stay at home orders.    What?     It hasn’t been 317 days?   You’re sure?     Well, ok.      But it seems like 321!

OK. Maybe it’s just me but it’s beginning to feel it’s been longer than it actually has been since we’ve been self isolating at home. As I’ve said before, I’m one of the lucky ones who has ample opportunities to stay busy while staying safe. But I’m beginning to feel antsy, ready to go out, see friends, get back to work (I really want to get back to work!). But I find myself considering the risks, sigh, and hope for a time in another month. I realize that I have kept myself pleasantly busy but until the past week, I haven’t allowed the fullness of my emotions to have their time. I feel them now.

Maybe it’s because my feelings have been so heightened this past week. It has been an emotional time across the county as we saw the death toll from the corona virus pass the 100,000 mark. That’s 100,000 previously living human beings. We can believe that each one had someone -family, friend- that is now grieving in a new reality the loss of someone who had meaning in their life. But what about those homeless, those whose names may never be known? Their lives were just as valuable and their loss is a tragedy. My heart has been heavy thinking about the dreams unfulfilled, potential gone, the grief of those left behind, the impact on the community. My power in these circumstances is limited but I will do what I can to ease the pain/support those I know in words and actions and find ways available to me to support those I don’t know by openly expressing my feelings, giving when possible and being a part of the voices demanding actions from our elected representatives. This is not a time to give in but to find strength and commitment to stay connected, ask for what you need, give what you can.

Before I could take a breath from news of the COVID death milestone, I found myself watching with shock as a white police officer pressed his knee into the neck of an unarmed black man, handcuffed behind his back, lying on the street clearly saying “I can’t breathe.” I have seen this video many times and felt horror at the last minutes of George Floyd’s life. I wonder what happened to this officer that he became so callous and unconcerned about this man’s life? How could he not feel the need to treat this man with basic human concern? And the officer who stood at George Floyd’s head, who heard his pleas and did nothing? I felt physically sick thinking of those last minutes of George Floyd’s life. How insane, needless and racist. Since then, the peaceful demonstrations of anger and grief have been usurped by outside agitators (by some reports white nationalists) who have subverted the legitimate purpose of the demonstrations. We must stand together against this hatred, this racism, this class war, this status quo. Cry. Pray. Meditate. Call. Write. March.

I had planned to end with some jokes or comics but my mind can’t go there now.
Be strong. Be kind.


May 23, 2020 – From My Hood To Yours

WHAT? Has it been a week already?  My,  how time flies when you’re having fun! Or maybe it’s because without a schedule, I can’t keep track of the days.

It was a good week for me. More playing in the dirt. I even got to use my Christmas chain saw! Wahoo! And last Saturday we had a birthday party on our front deck for a friend who was feeling down because she lost her Mother in April and Sunday, Mother’s Day, would have been her Mother’s birthday. So 4 households came together, each having their own area of the deck and 6+ft apart. It wasn’t raucous fun but it was so good to see each other, laugh and celebrate. And after the celebration one of them cut my hair! These are the days when little things mean so much.

I received my mail-in ballot and have been reading about candidates for races I am not familiar with. It’s been interesting trying to find info other than campaign material. Many candidates did not respond to the League of Women Voter’s questionnaire, which gives me a negative impression. But for most offices with multiple candidates, I know pretty clearly for whom I want to vote. I hope you have requested your ballot (if not, DO IT NOW) and have checked out the views of the candidates as best I can. Every office is important. We must be informed voters and make reasoned choices. This is our city, county, state, country and our future is in our hands. (Amen)

This is Memorial Day weekend. A time to remember and honor those who have made the sacrifice for all of us. Please take time to stop and feel the importance of their gift and the loss suffered by those they left behind. I have 4 immediate relatives who have served in modern wars, 1 of their offspring who is serving now and 2 who are graduating college (UGA and West Point) this May and will immediately enter service. They and their families will be in my thoughts and heart as I feel gratitude that they are well at the same time I give thanks and honor to those who have passed.

Along with the holiday comes the opening of many businesses, parks, beaches, etc across the country. Trump is demanding that places of worship be allowed to open regardless of the local pandemic circumstances. There may be areas and conditions under which it would be safe for some to open. But with the knowledge that there are many asymptomatic people in the mix, such opening would be assuming a great risk. At First E, the Board of Directors is taking a cautious approach with no plans to set an arbitrary date to reopen, rather to let science continue to guide the process. In the meanwhile, we are enjoying the good fortune to have technology to hear/see our Sunday speakers and meet virtually afterwards. Special thanks to Patton White for his expertise and leadership in this. Continued thanks to Robert Stewart for the weekly e-blast, to Edith Covington for keeping the office running remotely and to Bill Read for… well, everything he does behind the scenes.

Are you still “being good”? It’s easy to let down your guard after so long and when the stats seem to show a decline. But now as much as in the beginning we must be vigilant and keep ourselves and others safe. That is the way we can beat this until there is a vaccine or other medical intervention. Note: I have it on good authority that COVID is not a deliberate plan by China or the Democrats unleashed to destroy the economy and Bill Gates does not plan to tract you with an implant in the vaccine. Emoji

And while you’re being good, call your mother. Or your sister. Or brother. Or son/daughter. Friend. Neighbor. Got the picture? Support, connect, share ideas, ask questions, acknowledge feelings, explore ideas, more support. Repeat.

I’ve included some funnies and an interesting article. Stay safe, be positive, know you’re missed and loved.

Rev. Marsha

How non-religious worldviews provide solace in times of crisis

Valerie van Mulukom, Cognitive Scientist, Coventry UniversityThe ConversationMay 21, 2020, 7:32 AM EDT

The saying “There are no atheists in foxholes” suggests that in stressful times people inevitably turn to God (or indeed gods). In fact, non-believers have their own set of secular worldviews which can provide them with solace in difficult times, just as religious beliefs do for the spiritually-minded.

The aim of my research for the Understanding Unbelief programme was to investigate the worldviews of non-believers, since little is known about the diversity of these non-religious beliefs, and what psychological functions they serve. I wanted to explore the idea that while non-believers may not hold religious beliefs, they still hold distinct ontological, epistemological and ethical beliefs about reality, and the idea that these secular beliefs and worldviews provide the non-religious with equivalent sources of meaning, or similar coping mechanisms, as the supernatural beliefs of religious individuals.

The number of non-believers is growing, with at least 450-500 million declared atheists worldwide – about 7% of the global adult population. But since non-believers can include not just atheists but also agnostics and so-called “nones” – the religiously unaffiliated, who might tick “no religion” in surveys – this number is likely to be much bigger. Here, we use non-believers to refer to individuals who do not believe in God, and who do not consider themselves religious.

Rationalising the fear of death

The idea that beliefs or worldviews support us in difficult times is the foundation of Terror Management Theory. This holds we fear death because we are consciously aware of the future and therefore our own inevitable demise. This fear can be so great that it can paralyse us when we try to live our everyday lives.

But we can manage this fear – through belief in God and the afterlife, for example, but equally through the knowledge that death is natural. Knowing that one day we will die, worldviews reinforce our beliefs and the identities that we build around them, and can provide comfort – by providing us with so-called symbolic immortality, for example, or feelings of connectedness to something bigger than ourselves. Here, it is the meaningfulness of the belief rather than its (religious) content that is important: among non-believers, increased stress and reminders of one’s mortality are associated with an increased belief in science.

May 15, 2020 – From my Hood to Yours

Rev. Marsha Mitchiner

Greetings once again. I hope you continue to maintain social distancing protocol, feel safe and well, doing things that make you feel happy.

For those of us fortunate to live with someone and/or have some space to enjoy getting out to play in the dirt or other outside activities, life does not feel as isolating as for those who live alone or are confined to a small space. I feel so grateful to wake up every morning with a partner (who still likes me after 2+ months) and pets, grab my coffee, check email then spend the rest of the day in my yard – with a smile on my face. I know some of you live alone and may not feel comfortable to leave your space so you have deliveries made which doesn’t give you the brief opportunity to see different landscapes and other people. There are other variations between these extremes. This distancing/confinement/isolation has illuminated the importance of human connection. Suicide hotline calls are up as is domestic violence. I feel like I”m preaching to the choir but it doesn’t hurt to remind everyone to reach out to others. Feed your spirit with the gift of connecting, being reassured you are not in this alone. And if your circumstances are such that you feel well nourished, reach out to someone who might not feel ok, who could use your comfort and support. It will be good for both of you – healthy, too.

The GA Dpt of Public Health reported that as of 7:00pm 5/14, there were 35,977 reported cases of COVID19 and 1,544 deaths. Do you know someone who has been diagnosed, or someone who has died? I do. More than one. It makes me feel sad to think of the suffering they’ve experienced and the grief of the families/friends that have been left behind, unable to process their loss in a more healing structure. It’s important for our common good that we recognize these statistics, mourn the loss of life, provide support and comfort when we can and do what we can in the way of donations and activism. This touches all of us.

In my last email I asked you to send me pics of your special mask but haven’t received any. I saw a website where you find a pic of yourself looking forward and crop it below the eyes, just below the chin and crop out the ears. You send the cropped pic to the site and they imprint it on a mask so people can see what you look like. It’s especially great if you are smiling. I love the creativity that being unleashed during this time of crisis. An article I read by a psychologist stated that some people are defiant about wearing a mask because they see it as forced conformity. He suggested we see is as cooperative concern. I know wearing a mask is not particularly comfortable but I personally don’t see it as an option, required or not. I am protecting you and me which in my book is a good thing.

Did you check out any of the “good news” sites I listed last time? I’ve looked at a few and enjoyed the break from the news. Go back and look at the list and try a few if you haven’t already. What have you got to lose? You aren’t going anywhere anyway, are you?
You would be surprised to know how long it takes me to write these emails. Not only am I a hunt and peck typist, I mull over every word I write. Some of that is because I’m getting slower in my golden years and some is because I want my words to be meaningful and honest. In each day I feel gratitude for the variety of gifts that surround me and find joy in so many things. I will stop when I hear a bird and listen to it’s song – what a happy sound. When I find a worm as I’m digging in the dirt I say thanks for keeping the soil looser so my plants will do well. I found a tree frog on an azalea I was trimming and told him I’d be listening for him tonight (he’s very loud in the evening). My tomato plants have blooms and even a few tiny tomatoes. The blue berry bush (really a tree since I haven’t trimmed it ever) is chock full of small, green berries that I will probably not get when they turn ripe before the birds do. My potato plants have pushed up and are 3 inches high and I know they’re having babies below. Ok. You get the picture. What about you? What is bringing you joy? I hope the thoughts are tumbling out bringing smiles with each one.

That’s it for this week. Enjoy the items below. Stay safe. Stay well. Make contact. Feel joy. Live long and prosper.

See you Sunday.
Share hope and spread kindness,

Rev. Marsha

May 07, 2020 – From my Hood to Yours

Rev. Marsha Mitchiner

Hello, everyone. I hope your personal week has been pleasantly uneventful. It’s strange to live in time of a crisis when good weeks are the ones that are uneventful.

Staying safe can be boring but oh so critical. I often watch NY Gov. Cuomo and found his message about wearing a mask very important. He emphasized that wearing a mask in public is an expression of respect for others as much as for yourself. When you wear your mask you are saying “I care about others”. Even though I know I have been isolating and using safety measures, if I don’t protect myself and become infected, the chain of those effected is long – from family to first responders to hospital workers to sanitation workers and on. And that’s if I am symptomatic. If asymptomatic, I can infect a host of unsuspecting others. It is likely we will be wearing masks in most public situations for months to come. I have seen some really cool ones so I may splurge and buy one that makes a statement. If any of you have one that says “ME!”, send me a pic to share. (I’ve seen Whobear wearing one of his mom’s cleaver creations.Emoji)

The deadline to register to vote in GA in the June primary is this coming Monday, May 11. You can go to the GA League of Women Voters for a link or search the GA.gov site to check your registration and request an mail ballot if you haven’t already. You can also see a sample ballot. I looked at the one for Dem and Rep. It’s interesting to see the Party specific questions. Ck it out.

I saw an email conversation between the Petus family/friends where some took an oath not to cut their hair til the pandemic was over. LOL. Unless I take the scissors to my own, I guess I’ll start to look like a Petus, too. On top of that, I’ll be showing off my “farmer’s tan” from working outside. Just wanted to provide you with a visual image in preparation of our re-emergence. How about you? Anything we need to prepare for? Emoji (Humor is one of the best ways to help us get through this!)

Amid the tragic, heart-wrenching events of this crisis, there are also the victories and stories of courage and caring. If you need some food for your spirit, check out these sites(there are many others); CNN and Huffington Post Both have a Good News section; Happy News; Optimist World; Goodnet.org; Good News Network; USA Today Kindness.  And if you want to search for ways to enhance your happiness, check out these sites: The Happiness Project; 1000 Awesome Things; Tiny Buddha; Zen Habits; The Kindness Rock Project. And/or use your time to be creative or learn: TED talks; Ode Wire; Doityourself; Greenupgrade; Ehow.com. And check out some of the local online sites (some available free on certain days): Atlanta Botanical Gardens; High Museum of Art; Fernbank; Children’s Museum of ATL; College Football Hall of Fame; ATL Music online. See. There are many ways to stay safe and avoid boredom, be creative and feed your spirit. Send me your suggestions.

It was great to see/hear Rev. Janna Nelson this past Sunday and to connect with others (29 of us!) via zoom after the meeting. Your First E Board of Directors (newly elected) and various guilds and committees are carrying on the business of the Congregation during our temporary shut down. We are keeping track of the virus statistics and fast moving research while looking at possible options to reconvene in person when the time is right. At some point we will enlist your input to decide when/how to reopen. Be thinking about what measures you would require to feel safe about returning to services in the Old Stone Church.

The last of the Supermoons in 2020 rose at 6:45 this morning. Following Native American tradition, it is known as The Full Flower Moon for obvious reasons. Look for it tonight as rain and falling temps are rolling in tomorrow. Also, on May 16 the Moon, Jupiter and Venus will be in rare alignment (a conjunction) to form a Smiley Face.Emoji Who can resist that?!

Ok. That’s about it for this week. I hope you don’t get tired of hearing it because I have to say again, I miss you enormously! You are on my mind every day and in my heart with every breath. YOU are an important part of what keeps me going and encourages me to feel positive about the future. 

I’m going to attach some pics to make you think/smile. Note: the cutie pie with the “dirty” face is my great niece, Kleveland, going “camo”.

Share hope and spread kindness.

Rev. Marsha

May 05, 2020 – Giving Tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday.
There are many ways to give.

  • *If you have the financial resources, consider giving to a favorite organization – many animal shelters, food providers, homeless shelters, etc. need our support. No gift is insignificant.
  • *Volunteer for a voter registration or get out the vote group or a campaign that reflects your values.
  • *Volunteer with a group that delivers groceries/rx to elderly/disabled.
  • *Call or send a card to someone who is ill, high risk, more isolated to let them know they are thought about and not alone.
  • *Call or send a card to anyone to say they are not alone and you care.
  • *If you take walks, wear gloves and carry a bag to pick up litter.
  • *Put a sign in your window or yard to say THANKS to essential workers.

These are just a broad view of ways to give. You may have other ways you are giving. Send me an email to SHARE WAYS YOU ARE GIVING and I will share to perhaps stimulate someone else to consider.

Remember: Every day is an opportunity to give.

Giving hugs and love to each of you,

Rev. Marsha

May 01, 2020 – Greetings again from my hood to yours

Rev. Marsha Mitchiner

Hi, everyone. I hope this email finds you feeling well and keeping yourself safe and positively occupied.

Today is May 1st, half way between the spring equinox and summer solstice. For centuries it was celebrated around the world based on agricultural significance. Crops planted earlier in the year were sprouting, flowers were blooming, cows were calving and folks were excited to gather to dance around the Maypole, etc. I read that you should wash your face with the morning dew of May 1 to beautify your skin and bring good luck. Shucks. Missed it.

In more recent decades, it has become International Workers Day to celebrate the contribution of the “common laborer”. In this time of pandemic crisis, it is important to recognize and celebrate the “essential worker” who is going to work amid the dangers so we can continue to access the goods we need. I hope you find some way to say thanks.

It’s been another week of mixed news. There seems to be a slow down in the rate of new cases of COVID19 but the overall number of infected has reached 1 million+, the deaths reached 65,000+ but the slower rate still reflects more infected every day. Of the 1+million infected, about 900,00 are still active, not recovered! Those are not just numbers, they are people. Mothers and Fathers, brothers, sisters, friends; Nurses, doctors, First responders, transit workers, meat packers. The list goes on. And they have left many grieving in isolation, like many of them died. My anger continues at the inept way the government has handled (and still is) this crisis. Knowing that my anger doesn’t change anything, I am channeling my energy into sending messages to elected official (city, state, national) and helping in whatever small way I can. No one action is big but together they have a cumulative effect. It helps me sleep at night feeling I’ve not passively accepted the notion “there’s nothing I can do”.

How are you doing? Are you taking care of yourself, being attentive to how you’re feeling? Do you give yourself time to read, listen to music, meditate, be active, be creative, find joy? Are you staying in contact with family, friends, others who may need to hear a caring voice? Taking care of yourself nurtures your spirit, gives you more energy and the capacity to feel compassion and find time for others.

Maya Angelou wrote:

We need joy as we need air.
We need love as we need water.
We need each other as we need the earth we share.

  • Friday nights on YouTube, you can tune in to a free movie at Lionsgate Live: A night at the movies.
  • Many artists are providing free mini concerts. Plug in the name of your favorite/free concert and see what’s available. Check out DIY projects and TED talks.Send me your suggestions.

That’s it for this week. Please tune in to our FB group page on Sunday to hear Rev. Janna Nelson and switch to zoom afterwards for our first forage into a virtual social hour. Let me know how I can be there for you (including financial assistance via our Discretionary Fund).

I miss you all enormously!

Love and hugs,

Rev. Marsha

April 22, 2020 – Staying safe – From my Hood to Yours

Rev. Marsha Mitchiner

It’s me again. Hope you have had a positive week, felt safe and found comfort.

Throughout the world, the struggle continues with the effects of this pandemic. Some places are seeing improvement in the number of cases and deaths, some are seeing a flattening while others are still experiencing increases. This is far from over. I’m not alone in believing that safety measures are just as critical today as ever. As our state and others begin to loosen the restrictions on businesses, it is incumbent on all of us to use common sense, follow social distancing practices and use PPEs when appropriate. I understand that people are feeling confined, cramped and/or antsy after this unusual time of separation but the threat is still present and the consequences real. STAY SAFE.

Someone wrote that we may all be in the same storm but we are not in the same boat. I think this is a good analogy. Many of us can weather the storm without too much difficulty but many others are barely hanging on. I encourage you to give as best you can. There is an unending array of organizations – big and small, local and broader – that provide aide of many kinds. Pick one. No gift is too small. If you can’t give money, consider giving time. Volunteer to help in person – e.g., pack/deliver meals – or sign up for a phone bank to register voters or with a candidate who supports a national social conscience. Pick up your phone, IPAD, laptop, computer, whatever you use and contact your friends, family and especially anyone in particular need of support. A few minutes of your time can provide a volume of comfort. If you’re a member of the First E community and need assistance, do not hesitate to let meknow. There is money available to help with food, utilities, etc. This is confidential; don’t feel uncomfortable to ask. We are family.

Some other important issues:

  • If you haven’t completed your census form, do it before Apr 30. Many things depend on the input received, i.e., money for infrastructure, education, political representation.
  • Have you requested your mail-in ballot for the June primary in GA? This is very important. Besides the Presidential race, there are state , national and local races/issues that will effect our very existence in the coming years. Request your ballot and VOTE.
  • Tonight Apr 22 is the Lyrid Meteor Shower – 20 meteors per hour.
  • Earth Day is today, Apr 22. I hope you will be able to enjoy being outside (in our cleaner environment for the time being). Be aware of what makes you smile, causes you to pause and take in the view. I hope you will feel grateful for the beauty of the Atlanta area and know that it will require our concerted efforts to save the environment.
  • Apr 23 is World Book Day. It’s forecast to be raining…a perfect day to curl up with a book or two. Pass on ones you’ve read. Support your small book stores (like Charis). Perhaps learn something new. The world can unfold before you through the pages. Appreciate that we have access that many across the world don’t enjoy.
  • I still have plants available. In addition to what I listed last time, I have sweet mint, lemon thyme and oregano.
  • I’ll add some pics to lighten your heart.

Miss you so much.

Til we can be together,

Virtual hugs.

Rev. Marsha