“In the Footsteps of Susan B. Anthony: Two Women Political Leaders Share Their Stories”

Facilitator: Patton White
Musician: Kristen Hampton
First Existentialist Congregation
An independent member of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Facilitator: Patton White
Musician: Kristen Hampton
Sometimes it seems like the voices trying to tell us what to think, how to act, and how to live are only increasing and getting louder. Perhaps the scariest among them are the most covert, insidious, and dangerous. This current climate can be so disorienting, how can we be sure to stay connected to our own voice? Gratefully, Existentialism and spiritual practice can help us, with some attention and intention, get better acquainted and stay acquainted with ourselves.
Facilitator: Marti Keller
Musicians: Jean Heinrich and Shanti Price (Magic Flute)
Facilitator: D. Patton White
Musician: Alan Brown
Come and join us for an invitation to a saving faith that calls our best selves into being while affirming that we were already whole when we got here.
Facilitator: D. Patton White
Musician: Mick Kinney