“Say It To My Face”

Facilitator: Libby Ware
Musician: William Chelton
First Existentialist Congregation
An independent member of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Facilitator: Libby Ware
Musician: William Chelton
Come and join us for an invitation to a saving faith that calls our best selves into being while affirming that we were already whole when we got here.
Facilitator: D. Patton White
Musician: Mick Kinney
Several founding members will share memories, and the congregation will sing their favorite songs that have been played over the years. D. Patton White will present a dance performance and the Newcomers’ Guide will be presented to the congregation.
Facilitator: Rev. Marsha Mitchiner
Musician: Shanti Price and Jean Heinrich
Rev. Maureen Shelton will explore the resources of Cognitively-Based Compassion Training, particularly one of its teachings around the importance of cultivating awareness of our common humanity and our interdependence.
Facilitator: Sara Drew
Musician: Craig Rafuse
We’re all different. But what does that actually mean? In this sermon, we’ll dive into the nuances and intricacies of neurodiversity and the beautiful significance surrounding it. We’ll also explore how to empower and uplift the neurodiverse community in order to create a just, compassionate and more equitable society for all those who identify as different.
Facilitator: Rev. Marti Keller
Musician: Jean Heinrich
A rumination on race, politics and contemporary society and culture.
Facilitator: Rev. Marsha Mitchiner
Musician: William Chelton
Spiritual guidance comes not only in words, but from experience with flora and fauna.
Facilitator: Charlene Ball
Musician: Mick Kinney
When I left to go to the International AIDS Conference with a team from Emory’s Rollins School of Public Health, President Joe Biden was still the presumptive Democratic nominee for the 2024 election. In just a week, things changed dramatically. We’ll explore how alignment with a presidential candidate may benefit our mental health and the sake of the nation.
Facilitator: Cindy Lou Who
Musician: Craig Rafuse
Some of the scriptures have been used out of context to harm women. What do they really mean in context?
Facilitator: D. Patton White
Musician: Charli Vogt
We live in a time where there’s not much that can’t be explained or answered away in just a few moments. Of course, that has its benefits. Is there something we have lost by knowing “all” the answers? Sara will explore the role of wonder in our lives and how we might attempt to cultivate more of it.
Facilitator: Jan Lister
Musician: Jean Heinrich