“Bring Us Your Tired, Your Poor”

This program will be a reflection on a core tenet of Jewish teachings– the idea of welcoming the stranger. We will hear about the life, times,and legacy of trailblazing Jewish- American poet and activist Emma Lazurus, who penned the words on the base of the Statue of Liberty as a prophetic rebuke to fear, Xenophobia and anti-immigrant isolationism. What was the basis for her moral commitment– and ours as well? PS: There is a Unitarian Transcendentalist thread in her story
Rev. Marti Keller recently finished a justice ministry with the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation that spanned two decades. Prior to this she had been a communications director, legislative advocate and executive director for several women and family policy groups, including a dozen years with Planned Parenthood. She is still serving as consulting parish minister in Auburn Alabama
- Facilitator: Robert Stewart
- Musician: Dr. Jean Heinrich