Rev. Kimble Sorrells is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, with a ministry in contemplative practices focused on equipping us with the peace and resolve to be justice makers in the world. They are also a Registered Yoga Teacher and draw on this and other spiritual traditions to inform their ministry. As a Bi-vocational minister, Kimble also works with Lifeline Animal Project as the Community Programs Manager, guiding caseworkers as they assist pet owners in times of challenge.
Kimble has experience in variety of ministry setting. They have worked in LGBTQ advocacy for many years including as staff for Reconciling Ministries Network and the Atlanta Pride Committee. They currently serve on the Mayor’s LGBTQ Advisory Board and work primarily in advocacy with the Transgender community.
What does a Spiritual Health Researcher research? And how does it relate to matters of the spirit? Come hear abouta research program investigating chaplaincy and compassion, and how the findings are implemented to bringcomfort to the afflicted.
Patricia (Kim) Palmer serves the Emory University Woodruff Health Sciences Center as the Manager of Research Projects in Spiritual Health. She is a board certified chaplain with over five years of clinical experience and earned an M.S.P.H. in Epidemiology from Emory University as a Transforming Chaplaincy Research Fellow. She is ordained in the Unitarian Universalist tradition and serves as an affiliated community minister for a congregation in Roswell, Georgia. She is currently engaged in a multi-year, multi-study research effort to investigate the effect of Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT) on chaplains and the effect of CBCT-adapted interventions on patient and provider outcomes, and she is exploring the possibility of a part-time return to clinical work as a chaplain.
A founding member of Alternate ROOTS, a service organization for community-based artists in the South, deNobriga served as ROOTS’ executive director and planning/development director for ten years. She continues to serve on the working on various committees as needed, and sharing the institutional memory of 40 years of continuous membership.
Raised in Kingsport TN, deNobriga holds an M.A. in Theatre (Directing) from Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC, and a B.A. with honors in Speech Communications and Theatre Arts. Her early employment included directing and managing community theatres in Smithfield and Sanford, NC and performing with The Road Company, a professional ensemble in Johnson City, TN. DeNobriga was a Visiting Artist for two years for the NC Arts Council, and a Fellow in the Rockefeller Foundation’s Next Generation Leadership program and in the Rockwood Leadership Institute.
She is now a consultant, specializing in strategic planning, building organizational capacity, designing staff/board retreats and guiding creative conflict engagement. She is project manager for the Arts and Democracy, and a member of the consultant pool at the Georgia Center for Non-Profits. She trained as a mediator at the Atlanta Justice Center and is a board member for Arts & Democracy and Alternate ROOTS. She served two terms as Councilmember and one as Mayor for the City of Pine Lake, where she is an advocate for and practitioner of arts and community development.
2020 is a year that will be vividly remembered by most eve of the world. Here in the US we have faced an uncontrolled pandemic and uncontrolled president. How do we move forward to recover physically, mentally, economically, and emotionally? How do we heal? How will you?
Our Fellowship Minister, Rev. Marsha Mitchiner, has served the Congregation for over two decades, since ordination by us, following her study with Rev. Lanier Clance. She counsels, connects, and contacts members and friends, and for those who need it, performs the laying-on of hands in her role as a massage therapist. Many of us can vouch for the quality of her work, and appreciate the wisdom, restraint, and compassion she brings to the job of caring for our Congregation. Marsha speaks once each quarter, and helps smooth the functioning of the Congregation innumerable times in between.
This year of pandemic has been a rollercoaster. Some days we may feel almost normal, while other days bring us to our knees. Drawing upon scripture, spiritual practice, and original music, Unitarian Universalist Rev. Erin Walter will reflect on how we can face pain and struggle faithfully while also embracing moments of joy and gratitude where we find them.
Rev. Erin Walter serves as the Affiliated Community Minister for Wildflower Church, a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Austin, Texas. Originally a newspaper journalist, Rev. Erin earned a Masters of Divinity at Meadville Lombard Theological School, won UU Women’s Federation Sermon Award in 2017 (preached at GA), and is a board member of the Texas UU Justice Ministry. Her work is rooted in the powerful connection between the arts, justice movements, and multicultural community in her engaging roles as ordained minister, nonprofit director, writer, musician, and Zumba instructor. You can find her band Parker Woodland and her music at
“Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Facing Alienations with Radical Acceptance”
Janna Nelson currently lives with her husband, Scott Hooker, and her younger son, David Nelson-Hooker in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where they have now lived for almost six years. They moved there after 40 years in Atlanta to be closer to family, and they have always preferred the New Mexican climate and open skies and country.
Rev. Janna Nelson
For Janna, it is a return to a land and people of her youth. Born the youngest of six in rural Alabama in 1958, she moved with her family to New Mexico in 1963. Her father, a Southern Baptist missionary, and the family spent the next seven years in various locations on the Navajo Reservation before moving to Albuquerque. Witnessing and being part of several traumatic and life-changing events left her a seeker.
She moved with her parents to Atlanta in 1975 and culture shock ensued. Due to accessibility issues with high schools at that time, she took a GED and went to Clayton Junior College, then GSU, taking whatever she wanted, working various interesting jobs until she started working at Sevananda, where she worked for seven years. During this time she had her older son. At age 25, she returned to GSU and graduated with a teaching degree three years later, starting a career in education that was deeply satisfying. She also started performing music solo and with others, starting her lifelong partnership in song and love with Scott.
She discovered First Existentialist Congregation in 1981 and it was the first place that felt open enough for her mind and spirit, as she had left religion behind at this point. After years of involvement in various aspects of the community, she entered into a five-year Existential Ministerial Studies Program with Rev. Lanier Clance and was ordained as a minister by the Congregation in 1999, which she continued to serve in a varying capacity until moving to Albuquerque in 2014. She is delighted to see the flourishing of this intentional community and still calls it one of her homes.
“Fraudulent Elections and the Peaceful Transfer of Power in American History”
Dr. H. Robert Baker is Associate Professor of History at Georgia State University and is the author of Prigg v. Pennsylvania: Slavery, the Supreme Court, and the Ambivalent Constitution (2012) and The Rescue of Joshua Glover: A Fugitive Slave, the Constitution, and the Coming of the Civil War (2006). His scholarly articles have appeared in the Law and History Review, Common-Place, and the Journal of Supreme Court History. He holds a Ph.D. in History from UCLA, where he studied with Joyce Appleby. He has received a Fulbright Fellowship and been a fellow at the Institute for Constitutional Studies. He also writes about wine, law, and contemporary culture for the blog Tropics of Meta.
Inspired by the musical based on Stud Terkel’s book Working, the Membership Guild invites you to pour yourself a cup of ambition, gather up your best occupational stories and join us on Friday, May 14 at 7:30 on Zoom.
Share your tales of never getting credit, being a rung on the boss man’s ladder, putting money in his wallet and the dreams he never took away.
Watch the e-blast for the zoom link and we look forward to hearing about your service and devotion, takin’ and no given’ and tides turning.
Look for information about attending the musical “Working” below, and in the e-blast.
Join us for “Working” – the musical!
The Membership Guild invites you to see the musical “Working” on Wednesday, June 2, at 8:00 pm (rain or shine). The play is is at the Alliance Theater at the Callaway Plaza Tent. It is outside, socially distanced and masks are required. We have a block of 12 tickets in pods of 2 or 4. The group rate is $25 per ticket. Reserve your tickets by e-mailing Tickets are limited, so get them while they’re hot!
The Membership guild presents, the totally free and just for fun:
More Stories of Animals in Our Lives
Join us on Friday, March 19th, at 7:30 and tell us your best animal stories pet yarns, critter adventures, and even beastly zoo experiences. Who saw a hippo conceived at the National Zoo? Find out! Join us on zoom using this link:
This is your second chance to join us for stories of our furry friends. At the first, we had happy tales, sad tales, puppy dog tales, and even pet inspired poetry. We are hoping for a musical element for this one. Attend to see (and hear)!
The favored emcee from South Carolina, Paul DeRosa, will host.
This Poetry/Prose/Stand-up Comedy fundraising event will feature presentations by First E members and will take place via Zoom on Friday, December 18, at 7:30. So, deck your halls, jingle your bells, don your gay apparel and join us in the celebration.
Topic: Pass the Plate Holiday Celebration of Literature Fundraiser Time: Dec 18, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)