“Refugee Women Economic and Health Empowerment”
Refugee women are a vulnerable group among millions of people who have been involuntarily displaced, are survivors of torture and trauma, and, need special attention and care. Pre- and post-resettlement experiences have profound effects on how these women acculturate in their new home countries
Doris Mukangu

Doris is the founder of Amani Women Center (www.amaniwomencenter.org) based in Clarkston, Georgia. She moved to America 20 years ago to pursue higher education. She graduated from Emory University RSPH with the vision of helping women who come from a similar background or with similar experiences like hers. With this passion running through her veins, she founded Amani Women Center in 2007 with the vision to create a safe space for refugee and immigrant women to learn to be self-sufficient and achieve their maximum potential. One of the programs of AWC is the Amani Sewing Academy (ASA). This program is unique in that it teaches refugee and immigrant women sewing skills and life skills to enable them to enter the workforce and earn livable wages. Refugee women who attend and graduate from the sewing program are able to start home-based businesses, join the small-scale manufacturing at ASA, teach at ASA, or work contractually for Johari Africa (www.johariafrica.com) AWC’s social Enterprise. Products made by the women are a celebration of the different cultures that are represented in the program.
- Facilitator: Jan Lister
- Musician: Jean Heinrich