It’s me again. Hope you have had a positive week, felt safe and found comfort.
Throughout the world, the struggle continues with the effects of this pandemic. Some places are seeing improvement in the number of cases and deaths, some are seeing a flattening while others are still experiencing increases. This is far from over. I’m not alone in believing that safety measures are just as critical today as ever. As our state and others begin to loosen the restrictions on businesses, it is incumbent on all of us to use common sense, follow social distancing practices and use PPEs when appropriate. I understand that people are feeling confined, cramped and/or antsy after this unusual time of separation but the threat is still present and the consequences real. STAY SAFE.
Someone wrote that we may all be in the same storm but we are not in the same boat. I think this is a good analogy. Many of us can weather the storm without too much difficulty but many others are barely hanging on. I encourage you to give as best you can. There is an unending array of organizations – big and small, local and broader – that provide aide of many kinds. Pick one. No gift is too small. If you can’t give money, consider giving time. Volunteer to help in person – e.g., pack/deliver meals – or sign up for a phone bank to register voters or with a candidate who supports a national social conscience. Pick up your phone, IPAD, laptop, computer, whatever you use and contact your friends, family and especially anyone in particular need of support. A few minutes of your time can provide a volume of comfort. If you’re a member of the First E community and need assistance, do not hesitate to let meknow. There is money available to help with food, utilities, etc. This is confidential; don’t feel uncomfortable to ask. We are family.
Some other important issues:
- If you haven’t completed your census form, do it before Apr 30. Many things depend on the input received, i.e., money for infrastructure, education, political representation.
- Have you requested your mail-in ballot for the June primary in GA? This is very important. Besides the Presidential race, there are state , national and local races/issues that will effect our very existence in the coming years. Request your ballot and VOTE.
- Tonight Apr 22 is the Lyrid Meteor Shower – 20 meteors per hour.
- Earth Day is today, Apr 22. I hope you will be able to enjoy being outside (in our cleaner environment for the time being). Be aware of what makes you smile, causes you to pause and take in the view. I hope you will feel grateful for the beauty of the Atlanta area and know that it will require our concerted efforts to save the environment.
- Apr 23 is World Book Day. It’s forecast to be raining…a perfect day to curl up with a book or two. Pass on ones you’ve read. Support your small book stores (like Charis). Perhaps learn something new. The world can unfold before you through the pages. Appreciate that we have access that many across the world don’t enjoy.
- I still have plants available. In addition to what I listed last time, I have sweet mint, lemon thyme and oregano.
- I’ll add some pics to lighten your heart.
Miss you so much.
Til we can be together,
Virtual hugs.
Rev. Marsha